1710204/20140412a) The Neutral Zone, and Twinning.

11:00 BST (British Summer Time)

Jalal, 4th Jalal, 171 BE
Glory, Grandeur of Glory
Year number 19, Vahid, (Unity)
Vahid number 9, Baha, (Splendour)
Kull-i-Shay (Fullness of Time), number 1, Alif, (A),
Saturday, 12th April 2014 AD


So, evaluating global geopolitics and being able to decide whether to side with the Romulan Empire or the UFP, it seems is impossible, since we are not given enough information to decide, and anyway taking sides is forbidden anyway, so, back to the Neutral Zone. Whether its safer in the Neutral Zone for ships that do NOT have Romulan disruptors OR Federation phton torpedoes, in either of the two Empires, is unknown, but if the Divine Summons says, “get the f back in the Neutral Zone, NOW!”, who are we to argue with the creator of both the Romulan Empire AND the United Federation of Planets (or is it really The Terran Empire?). “We don’t know, Pete, we just don’t know!”

Having therefore both my FB profile picture AND background showing pleasant photos of the Romulan Emperor, or is it the President of the Federation, or is it the Terran Emperor, or Empress,  Sato, Twins, yes Twins! Like Romulus and Remus, Romulan Empire and Terran Empire, United Federation of Planets and the Romulan Empire, Castor and Pollux. I asked my honourable friend, the Vulcan Ambassador Spock, here in the Romulan Empire, if a shuttle craft might be available today to get me to the Twin Home Planet, Remus, for a CRM but alas he has not yet returned my text. The cause is not lost however, since, here on Romulus, there is another CRM tomorrow. However, even before I get access to Spock’s wisdom, I’m sure he will agree with me that, being on Romulus, it is not wise to have, heading my FB page, photos, albeit pleasant, of the President of the Federation, since as yet, an equitable and just relationship between Romulus and the Federation is not yet, as far as I can see, even on the horizon. It may be Romulan propaganda stating that it is NOT prosecuting a strategy of “encirclement” around the Federation, but whether true or not, showing favour and support for the Federation’s President efforts for equitable mediation and reconciliation, when living on Romulus is not wise.

15:52. Watching Hitchcock’s “Rebecca” starring Lawrence Olivier and Joan Fontaine. Nah, can’t be bothered, “The Incredible Hulk” starring Edward Norton, about The Hulk vs The Pentagon. Don’t! Black and white moral certainty is far more entertaining than an endless labyrinth of cognitive dissonance. Which is what women embody, right? William Hurt fronts the Pentagon. He’s going green! Spectrum is red! And Liv Tyler. And don’t you know it! Liv Tyler is William Hurt’s daughter. Isn’t fate mean? And The Hulk can withstand and destroy DEW vehicles targeting him. Pity ordinary human beings are defenseless against DEW. Don’t you just HATE The Pentagon. Sometimes there just aren’t enough stones.

Maybe when Baha’u’llah has got our backs, neither DEW nor cognitive dissonance can prevail against The Army of Light, and we find that by the grace of God, we seem like Captain Scarlet, impervious to Pentagon tricks, and Spectrum is red against Mysteron advanced alien superhuman supernatural technology, especially when accessing those features of those realities of the spirit that even American scientists are powerless to understand or discover.

“Boys, boys, boys. Cars:- They’re just for getting about in! Yes, but they don’t embody an endless labyrinth of cognitive dissonance! The trick is to avoid the insanity that cognitive dissonance gives rise to. And one way to do that is to live in a fantasy world devoid of complexity, confusion, moral dilemma, and, instead, black and white certainty. Better to be stupid than mad.

16:31. “Sometimes I question my sanity but the unicorn and gummy bears told me I’m fine.” You can’t argue with a unicorn. OOH! Baha’i input! On FB, what a novelty! Can you argue with a unicorn. Depends if the Unicorn is literal or metaphorical. For example, if The Unicorn is represented by an almost unbelievable amateur doctor with national if not international importance, though totally unaccredited with paper certificates from the scientific Spanish Inquisition of orthodox reality, then if HE says I’m doing well, and he knows and understands SO much, then you can’t argue with HIM! Literally, of course Unicorns are mythological and don’t really exist, do they?


Published by pete1844

An Earthling since 1955. A Fanderson since 1961. A Baha'i since 1975. A Sineadian since 2006.

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